New user on our website

Please follow the following instructions

Before starting to issue a visa, you must ensure that the following requirements are met:

  • Are you registered with the General Organization for Social Insurance?

  • Employment status: based on proof of financial ability

  • Type of proof of financial ability: identification of salary from the private or government sector, or bank account statement depending on the number of visas allowed



To apply for a recruitment visa, please follow the following steps

Visit Musaned’s website at the following link

  • Register a new account
    The ID number will be verified through (Absher) Ministry of Interior services, so you must make sure to register with Absher services in advance. For more details, you can visit Absher services, the Ministry of Interior website.
    Fill out the basic information registration form
    1. National ID number for citizens or residency number for residents
    2. First name and last name
    3. Date of birth (Hijri)
    4. Telephone number
    5. City
    After registering the basic information, you will receive a text message on your mobile phone containing a supporting activation code. Enter the “activation code” to fill out the form to register an account in Musaned
    Fill out the basic information registration form


    1. Confirm Password: Reset the chosen password
    2. Mobile number: A mobile number registered in Absher
    3. Email: to activate Musaned account
    Password: Choose a word that contains letters, numbers, and symbols
  • How to pay visa fees through the SADAD service
    1. Login to the bank or ATM website or application
    2. Select "Payments"
    3. Select “Government Payments - Sadad”
    4. Type of "recruitment service"
    5. Application for a “worker visa”
    6. Transaction type "Payment"
    7. Enter the employer's ID number
    8. Determine the number of visas required
    9. Payment of visa fees
    Issuing the invoice for the visa fees via (SADAD) and paying the amount within one day for the application to be sent
  • Request to issue a visa
    Fill in visa information
    1. Occupation: Choose the profession for domestic workers
    2. Nationality: Choose the nationality for domestic workers
    3. Destination of arrival: Choose the destination of arrival according to the country
    Proof of financial ability
    1. Salary definition: Enter the value of the monthly salary from the private or government sector
    2. Bank certificate: Enter the value for the average monthly account from the bank certificate
    Upload documents and attachments
    1. Proof of financial ability
    2. A copy of the family registry or national ID
    Agree to undertake and acknowledge the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions

If it is sent, you will be notified of the status of the request within one business day via your mobile number and email


You are an existing customer on our website

Please follow the following steps

  • How to pay visa fees through the SADAD service
    1. Login to the bank or ATM website or application
    2. Select "Payments"
    3. Select “Government Payments - Sadad”
    4. Type of "recruitment service"
    5. Application for a “worker visa”
    6. Transaction type "Payment"
    7. Enter the employer's ID number
    8. Determine the number of visas required
    9. Payment of visa fees
    Issuing the invoice for the visa fees via (SADAD) and paying the amount within one day for the application to be sent
  • Request to issue a visa
    Fill in visa information
    1. Occupation: Choose the profession for domestic workers
    2. Nationality: Choose the nationality for domestic workers
    3. Destination of arrival: Choose the destination of arrival according to the country
    Proof of financial ability
    1. Salary definition: Enter the value of the monthly salary from the private or government sector
    2. Bank certificate: Enter the value for the average monthly account from the bank certificate
    Upload documents and attachments
    1. Proof of financial ability
    2. A copy of the family registry or national ID
    Agree to undertake and acknowledge the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions